Wednesday, April 22, 2009

GSoC '09

Well pretty late news, and most of you must be knowing already but I am pleased to announce that both kr0y and l0nwlf sneaked their way into GSoC '09.
I am seriously surprised about l0nwlf who submitted just 1 application and was accepted in his 1st attempt! Lucky bastard. Dude you owe me a *grand* treat :D
I had submitted 3 applications, duplicates to Gnome and Linux Foundations and another to Systers. Was selected by LF. I am supposed to work under two wonderful mentors, Luis Rodriguez from LF and Dan Winship from Gnome. My project synopsis can be found here, and the application can be viewed here. GeoClue had intrigued me thoroughly when I first read the idea on the Gnome GSoC Ideas site and now I am extremely glad that I can work on the same. Seems like a dream come true :) 'Tis true that my FOSS development experience isn't all that good nor do I have any prior working experience of working on Gnome desktop, but I am sure I will manage. Failing in GSoC is even worse than not getting through and I cant simply waste my first and last chance. So all my friends and foes, do pray for me.
101 Indian students were selected in GSoC '09 making our country the second highest in terms of selected candidates. For those who wanna get to know the successful Indian students, you can get information about some of them here.
A number of my IRC and twitter friends also got selected. Congratulations to lifeeth, devilsadvocate, mavu, ajuonline. Sorry am not in a mood to hunt their blog urls so for now be satisfied with their IRC nicks and keep guessing their identities ;)
Enough of I-am-on-top-of-the-world rants. Long story short, I am selected, I have no experience about the project I am selected for, I need to work hard or I will be in deep shit.

P.S. The wiki will serve as my regular technical guidebook and this blog will be for all the my-gsoc-project-is-awesome-yay publicity.


shirish said...

Congratulations kr0y
All the best..

kr0y said...


Thanks :-)
Are you planning to continue any of the GSoC projects in these summers or in any near future?

shirish said...

Sure I am, just increasing the chances by starting to work on it from ... ummm.. how about Right Now..:P

kr0y said...

Kool , so which one is it?

Ishan Chattopadhyaya said...

Congrats kr0y and shashwat. Mates, any of you are Python experts?